Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Frozen Heart

Welcome again to the Year Four Blog...

Some students today reminded me of the very "cool" unit we did last term in Personal Development and Health.

While learning about our own values and feelings, we also looked at how our actions can impact other people. We discussed about how our hearts can become hard and cold (just like ice!) when we feel hurt or sad by something someone else said or did.

We saw this shown in the example of the Freddo chocolates inside the block of ice. The block of ice represents our hearts when our feelings have been hurt. Even though it feels cold and hard, there is always still 'good stuff' inside! We talked about the different ways we can help others to 'melt' their heart... by doing and saying kind things and by looking after one another.

We wrapped up this unit by watching the The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe... where we saw that the children's ability to love and look out for each other helped to 'melt' the world of Narnia and allow Springtime to come.

We will be continuing to learn about ourselves and our relationships with each other this term.

Miss W.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Term Two: How do People's Beliefs Affect their Lives?

This unit provides opportunities for students to explore major religions and belief codes including aboriginal spirituality. The unit focuses on how religions and belief codes influence individuals and groups. Children will also be given opportunities to make informed judgements about whom and what they value in their community.

Throughout this term we will be adding symbols, rituals and traditions from the 6 major religions in our world: Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and Sikhism.