Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Frozen Heart

Welcome again to the Year Four Blog...

Some students today reminded me of the very "cool" unit we did last term in Personal Development and Health.

While learning about our own values and feelings, we also looked at how our actions can impact other people. We discussed about how our hearts can become hard and cold (just like ice!) when we feel hurt or sad by something someone else said or did.

We saw this shown in the example of the Freddo chocolates inside the block of ice. The block of ice represents our hearts when our feelings have been hurt. Even though it feels cold and hard, there is always still 'good stuff' inside! We talked about the different ways we can help others to 'melt' their heart... by doing and saying kind things and by looking after one another.

We wrapped up this unit by watching the The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe... where we saw that the children's ability to love and look out for each other helped to 'melt' the world of Narnia and allow Springtime to come.

We will be continuing to learn about ourselves and our relationships with each other this term.

Miss W.


  1. Wow Year 4. I think I will show your blog to Year 6. Great work. Mrs S :)

  2. great blog year 4 hope the year 6 do good as well


  3. I think that your blog is awesome!
    Y6- 31

  4. Hey miss W could we do some more work on
    the frozen hearts at school?

    Bye Anonymous36

  5. looking good year 4,I like the blog it is AWSOME!!!
    to look at.
    Anonymous 22

  6. let's show y6 our blog
    anonymous 21

  7. That was so fun making all that stuff on the frozen heart keep up the great work.


  8. Thanks for showing us the
    Freddo frogs in the ice.
    It really showed me what Miss W
    meant by freezing and defrosting
    the heart. Now I really get what we
    were suppose to know about.
    Thanks for teaching Year 4 about
    feelings, teachers.

    Anonymous 35

  9. The Frozen Heart was a good thing to learn about.

    Anonymous 40

  10. The art of faces is COOOOOOOOOL + the desert.


  11. The art works and the frozen hart was cool by putting the freddos in the ice that was cool and some of the year 4 kids where asking if we where going to eat them at lunch time.

    done by anonymous 40

  12. Dear Year Four,

    I am so proud of you all.
    Little by little you are growing and changing into better and better people, and it is with the help of God that this is happening. Remember that God is in everyone, in your teachers and your family and friends.

    Keep melting the ice!

    Have a great term.

    Mrs C

  13. I think it could be good to go to a museum and learn about the history of Australia;)!

    Anonymous 5
